Arbenigwyr Gwasanaeth Technoleg a Chyfrifiaduron i fusnesau a'r cartref.
Computer and Technology Services Specialists for businesses and home.
Manylion | Specification
Darganfyddwch a rhannwch fanylion eich cyfrifiadur er mwyn i ni roi cyngor i chi ar brynu cyfrifiadur newydd neu uwchraddio'ch cyfrifiadur.
Discover and share the specification of your computer for us to give you advice on buying new or upgrading your computer.
Lawrlwythwch Speccy o fama | Download Speccy from here
Rhedwch a gosod spsetup.exe | Run and install spsetup.exe

Gadewch i Speccy gasglu y wybodaeth | Allow Speccy to collect the information

Rhannwch y wybodaeth gyda ni | Share the information with us
Safiwch y wybodaeth fel Ciplun (Snapshot), ffeil XML neu ffeil TXT neu copiwch gyfeiriad y "Published Snapshot" a'i anfon i gan nodi Math a Model eich cyfrifiadur.
Save the information as a Snapshot file, XML file or a TXT file or copy the "Published Snapshot" address and send it to with the Make and Model of your computer.